October 2022 Release Notes

scouttalentRelease Notes

Whilst most of our work in October focused on progressing the new :Recruit software updates, namely to the Jobs workflow, we continued to release quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes that will help you drive growth for your organization quicker and easier.

If you want to find out more about the new :Recruit software updates that are coming soon, you can read about the updates here or contact your Account Executive for more information.

New Features

Ongoing enhancement of our platform’s functionality and capabilities.

New features by Scout Talent in October 2022


  • Our primary focus in October was finalizing the new :Recruit software updates, coming to you in late 2022. These updates will be released in stages, starting with the Jobs workflow. That is, all the pages related to managing your vacancies. We will keep you updated with more information, tutorials, and user guides over the next few months.

Quality of Life Improvements

Improving our platform’s usability and making it even easier to use.

Quality of Life Improvements for Scout Talent in 2022


  • We updated the wording on the form submission completion page to improve clarity. 
  • We have standardized time between actions for the application timeline report. 
  • You now have the ability to add internal billing references to your Seek invoices! 
  • We have improved the user experience and wording in the multi-poster when it renders Seek application options, making it easier for you to understand and use. 
  • We have improved the help text that displays when posting a question to Seek using the native apply function.
  • We have improved the Questions Report so that applicant responses are alphabetized, therefore easier to scan for and read at a glance.

Bug Fixes

Continuous improvement of the platform’s performance and reliability.

Bug fixes to Scout Talent software in October 2022


  • There was an issue preventing the Google Conversion Script from being included when creating a job from an approval form, which has been rectified.
  • Our North American users were experiencing an issue when trying to send an Email External. Users were receiving an http error message which was resolved within three hours.


  • We’ve updated :Onboard so that if you want to view an Offer that uses a now-deleted letterhead, you will be able to without any issues.